Four Questions You Must Ask If You Want to Succeed in 2022

When it comes to making positive, lasting change, one big stumbling block that holds us back is our own narrow thinking.

As we’ve written about in the past, being able to make changes in our lives requires more than just latching onto the latest tips and tricks, even if they come from a top expert.

Too often, we are consumed by our own problem narrative and develop tunnel vision as we hunt for quick relief. That often leads us to slavishly following a one-dimensional fix as a way out. 

We end up thinking like marketers. Instead of cultivating a broad and flexible perspective, we let simple mottos or slogans define and drive what we do.

Consider a few of the best marketing slogans ever crafted:

“Just do it”

“Think different”

“Open happiness”

“Just say no to drugs”

We love these! We wish we had created them.

But a marketing slogan isn’t a personal strategy for creating positive, lasting change.

Note that we said, “strategy.”

There’s nothing wrong with creating your own personal motto to help inspire you and keep you on course.

In fact, we encourage you to do it because it can make a difference.

But such a motto, as important and useful as it may be, is a tool and not a strategy. It’s a piece of the whole, but not enough to bring you into the winner’s circle.

To make changes in your life and make them stick, you need a strategy.

According to Michael Watkins, a business professor and author published by Harvard Business Review Press, a good strategy is a clear roadmap built on a set of guiding principles or rules that define the actions people should (and shouldn’t) take, and the things they should (and shouldn’t) prioritize to achieve their desired goals. A strategy identifies, integrates, and allocates resources within a given environment to meet the desired objectives.

In terms of personal change, there are four main elements that comprise the resources you need to consider: yourself, the people around you, your environment, and the things that support your change.

These elements are represented in the Be Your Own Best Coach Behavior-Change Model that we introduced in our last blog

Each element–you, people, environment, and things–includes both motivating factors and enabling factors. 

In our monthly group coaching program, we do a deep dive into each of these elements. But for now, you can take a big step forward toward a fantastic new year by asking yourself some basic questions:

  1. YOU: What do I want?
    What is the outcome I want to achieve by reaching my goals? What difference will it make to me once I get what I want?

  2. PEOPLE: Who has my back?
    Who encourages me? Who can help me, teach me, take action with me?

  3. ENVIRONMENT: Where do I do my best?
    In what physical setting do I do my best? What do I need to see, hear, smell, touch?

  4. THINGS: What helps me do my best?
    What incentives, tools, equipment, gear, or apps have helped me in the past that might help me now?

Notice the areas in which you have strong resources and those that could use a little boost. Exhaustive research by social scientists and experts in human performance demonstrate time and again that the likelihood of success increases exponentially when all factors are strong and aligned with your dreams, values, and purpose.

Then, reflect on something that you achieved in the past that you’re proud of. 

Look at our Behavior Change Model and see how each element may have come into play to help you enjoy your success.