Engineer Resilience 4-Week Challenge
Engineer Resilience 4-Week Challenge
Boost Your Capacity to Act When Bouncing Back Is Not Enough
You’ll Walk Away With the Confidence and Skills You Need to:
Stay open
Learn from the past so you can act effectively in the present to set the stage for a promising future instead of ruminating about the past and agonizing with worry about the future
Lead your team, family, or community into the best possible future by increasing shared openness and commitment
Experience a full range of emotions without being controlled by them and let go of struggles that can keep you emotionally hooked
Create psychological safety for everyone you work and/or live with
Be aware
Treat yourself with caring kindness instead of engaging in toxic self-talk and harsh self-judgment
Stay cool under pressure
Run multiple "what if" scenarios, unafraid to consider "wild" ideas
Take personal responsibility even when things don't go right; and allow others to have failings and weaknesses, too
Do what counts
Say, "No matter what, we'll get through this"
Face adversity head on, pivot in the face of unexpected disruptions, and take timely action
Demonstrate deep empathy and compassion
Find common ground, build a sense of unity-of-purpose and cooperation
Practice what you preach by adhering to your core beliefs and values regardless of the situation