A 4-week challenge program for professionals in technology and healthcare who want to maintain high performance in the face of change and uncertainty


Engineer Resilience by Unleashing Your Inner Superpower


Everyone who takes the psychological flexibility assessment has a unique reaction to their results. Some people feel validated. Others discover unexpected strengths (or gaps). And most say that simply completing the assessment and reviewing the results has expanded their thinking about resilience.

But everyone–regardless of the results–agrees that they want to do better.

Who wouldn’t want to be able to bounce back quicker, easier, and with less struggle?

But today, bouncing back isn't enough.

The hard truth is that for most people, "back" is either not possible or not good enough.

The stressors of the last few years -- the pandemic, political and social upheaval, a rapidly shifting job market, roiling financial markets, and personal loss -- have shut the door on the chance to return to the "good ole days."

“Back” is simply not a viable option . . . and trying to go back won't restore opportunities for growth, learning, and success because those opportunities have either changed or disappeared.

Boost Your Capacity to Act When Bouncing Back Is Not Enough

Instead, today's resilience is about bouncing, but not bouncing back. It’s about bouncing:

With – to adapt and stay afloat rather than getting knocked down in the face of change and disruption

Forward – into transformation in which you couple new insights and learning with existing strengths and skills to become more and better than ever before

Outward – to model, inspire, and build on strong and supportive connections

If you recognize today's need to bounce forward, with, and outward, keep reading!

Imagine a life where hardship, challenges, and disruptions are things you manage with presence, focus, and effective action. Where you become an unstoppable force against any obstacle that comes your way. Sounds incredible, right? That's the power of resilience.

With the 4-Week Engineer Resilience Challenge, you are just one step away from turning this imagination into reality.


What Makes the 4-Week Engineer Resilience Challenge Special?

Expert-Designed: Our program is designed by experienced behavior designers and performance coaches, steeped in the most current validated scientific theories that they’ve turned into practical action to help you boost your resilience.


Personalized Plan: Unlike other resilience-training programs that are prescriptive and dogmatic, Engineer Resilience invites you to be both the scientist and the subject. You test out a wide range of interventions to see how they work to deliver the results you want and how they fit with your own unique needs, interests, preferences, and values.


Comprehensive: Engineer Resilience is not a hodge-podge of tips and techniques. Instead, it addresses all six components of psychological flexibility using a science-based mind-body approach to maximize your resilience and ability to bounce back, with, forward, and outward.


Lifetime Access: Once you sign up for the program, you have lifetime access to all resources, including future updates and additions.


Expert Designers

Dr. Deborah Teplow is an expert in the science of behavior change and language of hope to help people make positive, lasting behavior change in their lives. Her approach is person-centered, strength-based, and solution-focused. As co-founder/CEO of the Institute for Wellness Education, she's set national wellness coaching standards and co-founder Be Your Own Best Coach to guide tech and healthcare professionals towards healthier lives. Her programs train clinicians to tackle societal health challenges, backed by her Stanford doctorate and expertise in solution-focused practice and Tiny Habits® coaching.


Glen Lubbert, Stamina Lab founder and seasoned tech entrepreneur, pioneers in human performance coaching to extend healthspan. His expertise in behavior design addresses the critical impact of sleep on health and performance, offering solutions for stress, burnout, and flow. Glen's credentials include mindfulness study under Jon Kabat-Zinn, Tiny Habits® certification, and certified as a Thrive Global coach and sleep expert, leveraging his Division I athlete experience to elevate others' professional and personal lives.


Here’s What You'll Learn How to Do:


Manage your nervous system in the face of adversity

  • Evidence-based practices to work with your nervous system when stress sets off automatic fight-flight-freeze responses

  • Techniques to reduce reactivity in emotionally-charged encounters that hijack your thinking brain

  • How to choose the right mind-body practices to manage the physiological effects of threat and conflict

  • How and when to use specific metaphors to help you stay present and focused when the mind wants to escape

  • Strategies to enhance your emotional intelligence, reduce your stress, and make better decisions

  • Techniques to reduce reactivity in emotionally-charged encounters

Choose the right approach to optimize psychological flexibility

  • Proven techniques to increase your ability to be open, aware, and take effective action regardless of the challenges

  • Discover ways to transform adversity into opportunity

  • 3 easy linguistic techniques to increase perspective and boost your ability to exercise choice instead of being trapped in automatic behavior patterns of reactivity

  • Use metaphors to reduce overwhelm and anxiety

  • Use visualization to plan and manage potentially difficult situations while acting in the service of your chosen values

Use body-based approaches when your mind seems stuck in one position

  • How to uncover and amplify hidden strengths and skills that can help you take you take charge of your story instead of your story taking charge of you

  • 15+ easy mind-body-breath techniques that can be done in less than 3 minutes to regulate energy and attention

  • How to use body-based experiments to free your mind when it seems trapped in a never-ending pattern of negativity

Harness the power of connection

  • How to combine body-based mindfulness practices with pragmatic goal setting and contingency planning to help people you care about

The Be Your Own Best Coach Resilience Challenge is great. I like the day-to-day approach to being open, aware, and engaged. The exercises creatively allow people to play with these in different ways.
— - Scott, Fortune 10 C-Suite Executive

Here's What You'll Get:

  • Comprehensive mind-body approach to greater psychological flexibility and increased resilience

    • 4-week personal interactive journaling program that offers a structured curriculum to address each of the six aspects of psychological flexibility

    • Daily journaling prompts to reveal and amplify the hidden strengths and skills you can use to boost your resilience

  • Daily exercises that integrate experiential mind-body activities with the cognitive aspects of journaling

  • 4 weekly videos explaining the theory supporting each week's activities with practical tips and suggestions for getting the most out of your 4-week challenge

  • Tracking and monitoring tools to help you quickly assess key factors of psychological flexibility

  • Bonus materials, action guides, videos

  • Invitation to live group coaching session

I was genuinely impressed by the program’s intuitive language and unique mind-body practices that guided my personal journey. The thoughtful inclusion of an organized list of values and ample space for reflections made it a transformative experience I’d highly recommend.
— Jane M, Peace, Harmony and Joy Ambassador

Why Journaling ?


Journaling boosts resilience in three ways.


Journaling is a key element in the Engineer Resilience Challenge because it offers a combination of powerful benefits that other modalities simply don’t.

Results from over almost 4000 research studies published in the last 10 years that examine a wide variety of populations, settings, and conditions show that journaling can significantly boost three crucial factors that boost resilience:

  1. Emotional intelligence and positivity (self-awareness, self-reflection, self-compassion, confidence, and optimism)

  2. Well-being (life satisfaction, health, happiness, sense of meaning & purpose)

  3. Effective coping (problem solving, agility, control)

Journaling is the ultimate in convenience, portability, and flexibility so it delivers immediate benefits in ways that are effective and feel psychologically safe.

Engineer Resilience optimizes journaling’s potential

In a study with over 27,000 participants, 92% found journaling helpful and 84% said that they would keep the journal to refer back to in the future.

The Engineer Resilience Challenge optimizes the benefits of journaling by offering you three other elements research shows to make a difference that counts:

  1. Education: Weekly videos and written content orient you to the purpose and rationale behind the week’s activities.

  2. Practice: The daily journaling activities and mind-body practices are sequenced from the fundamentals to more advanced practice as you grasp new concepts and master new skills.

  3. Coaching: Bonus materials, action guides, videos offer you more insights you can immediately apply to your own learning experience. Plus, you will receive an invitation to live group coaching sessions

I found the interactive Engineer Resilience journal to be really useful and powerful. It helped me to be very insightful, intentional and mindful of my activities during the day and to be aware if I was behaving within my values. It also made me recognize I had other values that I may not exercise as often, so I made some intentions to act on that value for the upcoming day. Very motivational.
— Ashley R., Counselor

Unlocking Inner Strength


Through the consistent and guided daily journaling practices of the Engineer Resilience Challenge, you'll build psychological flexibility and resilience from within. By fostering openness and present-moment awareness, you'll recognize difficult thoughts and emotions as what they are–passing artifacts of your busy mind, not inalienable truth. Instead of being consumed by them and struggling with how to avoid or rid yourself of distressing thoughts, feelings, and sensations, you’ll learn what to do to remain grounded in your authentic self, clear about your values and acting in ways that serve them.

Participating in the Engineer Resilience Challenge will improve your life in three areas:

  • Behavior: You'll find yourself engaging in actions that are in line with your values, even in challenging circumstances. You'll take steps towards your goals, make decisions based on what truly matters to you, and demonstrate greater resilience in the face of obstacles.

  • Thinking: You'll observe a shift in your thinking patterns. You'll become more adept at reframing negative thoughts, letting go of unhelpful beliefs, and approaching situations with a growth-oriented mindset. You'll notice increased cognitive flexibility and the ability to generate multiple perspectives, enabling you to find creative solutions to problems.

  • Feeling: You'll experience a greater sense of emotional balance and well-being. You'll notice improved emotional regulation, feeling more at ease with your emotions.


The Secret of Resilience

If you’re looking for a prescription and a bunch of tips for how to build resilience, the Engineer Resilience Challenge may not be for you.

True resilience means that you embrace the chaos of life. It means being anti-fragile. It means growing stronger with randomness, cultivating the ability to bounce with, forward, and outward.

But here’s a problem: The more you work to develop a certain resilience skill, the better you become. The more you get good at it, the more you like to do it but the less it does for you because the skill becomes a specialized tool – a specialized tool that's super powerful in a certain context.

The irony is that you lose your ability to flex and adapt as needed.

What keeps your resilience skills fresh is working right at the edge of your comfort zone with openness, present-moment awareness, and taking committed action in the service of your deeply-help values.

And that’s exactly what the Engineer Resilience Challenge is designed to do.

So if you want a science-based system to increase your psychological flexibility and boost resilience that enables you to respond to challenges and disruptions no matter what.